Friday, February 14, 2020

Experts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Experts - Research Paper Example He says that this thought is not the solution but rather the main problem. He claims that the government or all the people on the top are mostly in competent, tyrannical, and corrupt in their ways. The question that Easterly raises out of this book is that whether this philanthropy of the rich is a sham or actually, it points to an imperfect democracy. Throughout the book, Easterly goes on to condemn the act of the technocrats who claim to be helping the people from the clutch of poverty and in turn are crumpling their rights with these supposed remedies or solutions (Birrell). He notes that more than often these remedies, which are designed by these technocrats, are often imported from abroad. Further, these designs are although very impressive to hear in the beginning however, they have very little regard to the local conditions existing in the place it has to be implemented. Therefore, when these so-called remedies are put into effort they destroy the conditions of the economy and the people and harm them more than helping them in return. The author also shows that in most cases the autocratic economies have worse economic growth even in comparison to the democratic economies. She attributes this finding with the fact that the liberties, which are offered to the civilians, are highly essential for the free exchanging of the ide as, further this free exchange of the ideas would lead to the discovery of innovation, which would change the face of the world and ensure success. Moreover the author also points out the term innovation was coined as a term of abuse. What the author tries to make the world realize is that freedom is the solution to the problems of poverty. He claims that the arrogance of the Western thought should be abolished. He claims in this passionate argument that the approach of economic development of pitying and offering pre thought out solutions has to be stopped because these

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sociological Theories and Historic Figures of the Feminism Coursework

Sociological Theories and Historic Figures of the Feminism - Coursework Example Rousseau, the laws of the particular state are a record of the collective desires of all the people and the application of those laws should be universal to all people of the state. The role of the government in Rousseau’s political system is enforced and respect the sovereign people’s will and in no way should it seek to dominate the general will. The legislature function is to ensure that the law supports the state’s preservation. The function of the tribunate according to Rousseau’s political system is to maintain the state by the promotion of the idea of spiritual kingdom separate from any political system. Hegel’s dialectical idealism is where Hegel used different and more precise terms for dialectical trios. He used two different sets of terms for his trios, which include abstract negative concrete and immediate mediate concrete. According to Hegel, Geist, which is a German word for spirit or mind, is used to imply to the category-by-category culmination, dialectically of the negative of the infinite abstraction, resulting to the category of absolute mind or spirit (Geist). Karl Marx presents the concept of alienation by describing the social alienation of people from their human nature aspects because of living in a society stratified into social classes (Swatos & Peter, 13). He presents the concept of class-consciousness, which refers to the beliefs held by an individual concerning their social class, the structure of that class and the interests of the particular class. For the concept of class antagonism, Marx implied the conflict that exists in a society due to the competing socioeconomic interests brought by the different classes of people that exist in the society. Marx’s concept of revolution discusses social revolution where the working class tries to overthrow the bourgeoisie. Marx believed that proletarian revolutions are sure to happen in all capitalist nations.