Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Internet And The Workplace Essay - 1857 Words

The Internet and the Workplace The Internet has become a pervasive presence in the American workplace. Two-thirds of employees in medium and large companies in the United States now have Internet access, compared with fifteen percent only two years ago, according to a sampling of 500 companies surveyed by the IntelliQuest Corporation. (IntelliQuest) Workers with Web access typically spend five to ten hours per week sending personal e-mail or searching for information not specifically related to their jobs. Popular entertainment sites, such as ESPNs Sport Zone, where visitors can check sport scores, and POGO where they can play games sustain heavy traffic during the work day. As everything from CDs to cars go on sale over the Web,†¦show more content†¦Employers are also grappling with the question of whether to monitor Internet use and whether to block access to certain Internet sites. According to recent surveys, more than one-third of employers monitor their employees e-mail and Internet use. (Conti) It is notable, that in a 1997 PC World survey, nearly two-thirds of the employees who responded said that their employer has the right to monitor their workplace Internet use as long as they are previously informed of the monitoring. (Martin) This issue may arise when the employees Internet use affects the reputation of the employer, for example, where an employees personal web site includes an embarrassing reference to the employer. This has become increasingly popular with the advent of MySpace. Some employers routinely check MySpace for employee websites to see if any negative information has been written about them by their employees. As e-mail and Internet use increases in the workplace, there are likely to be many Internet-related disputes, including those concerning employment relations, privacy, and freedom of speech, intellectual property, and record-keeping issues. Many workplace disputes involving the Internet will be resolved according to traditional labor and employment l aw. However, because of uncertainties, as well as differing opinions, regarding appropriate uses of the Internet in the workplace, the Internet has intensified workplace disputes. (SHRM) Consequently, the resolution ofShow MoreRelatedInternet and the Workplace1937 Words   |  8 PagesThe Internet and the Workplace The Internet has become a pervasive presence in the American workplace. Two-thirds of employees in medium and large companies in the United States now have Internet access, compared with fifteen percent only two years ago, according to a sampling of 500 companies surveyed by the IntelliQuest Corporation. 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Social networking and the Internet have changed the way companiesRead MoreEssay on Social Media Policies Within Organizations1750 Words   |  7 Pagesemployee morale, increases work efficiency, and creates an environment that encourages innovation. Many companies do not allow their employees to check their social media or conduct workplace internet leisure browsing. The employers’ justification for this ban is that employees who are casually surfing the internet or updating their social media are not focused on the task given to them, which harms productivity. According to one study, organizations that give their employees access to FacebookRead MoreIs Technology Beneficial Or Dangerous?1541 Words   |  7 Pagesbenefits of technology such as education, warfare, the workplace, and transportation. â€Å"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself† (Dewey, John). Education is the one of the most important aspects of human life. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Political Philosophies Of Thomas Hobbes - 913 Words

Aisha Gupta Mr. Ochs World History/Block F 15 December 2014 Philosophers and Philosophies The political philosophies of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Karl Marx all vary in their political philosophies: Thomas Hobbes focused on the power with one, central, absolute monarch, â€Å"upon one man† or â€Å"one assembly of men†; John Locke emphasized that government not rule over the natural rights of every being, and that they are apart from â€Å"any superior power†; and Karl Marx outlined the government leading economic exchanges so that the â€Å"common people† could prosper, as mentioned in The Communist Manifesto. Of all, the ideas of John Locke most relate to those of Adam Smith and ultimately our world today. The social contract of Thomas Hobbes speaks mostly of how people only care about themselves, and that will not change. For this reason, humans should not have freedoms, but instead be ruled by an absolute monarchy. This monarchy will ensure that everything is systematic and everyone is compliant. Through his quote from the Leviathan, he makes clear that the only way for a government to succeed is if there is one central power guiding all people fearlessly. On the other hand, John Locke emphasized that all people were naturally the opposite: sensible and honorable. At birth, everyone was granted three distinct rights. Each person would have their own natural right to life and property, and to speak and live freely, also known as liberty. The government was not meant to interfere with theShow MoreRelatedThomas Hobbes And The Political Philosophy986 Words   |  4 PagesThomas Hobbes was, as we know, a 17th century British philosopher. We learn in this module that Hobbes was the creator of the political philosophy known as social contract theory and that he was also an egoist. By the revelation of the latter one could easily infer, before diving deeper, that this philosophical theory is based on the inherent selfishness of man. This assumption would, of course, be correct. Hobbes believed that all of mankind is inhe rently selfish and that to obtain a peaceful andRead MoreThomas Hobbes And The Philosophy Of Political Science1729 Words   |  7 PagesHe started out on the philosophy of political science while on his trips and visits to other countries outside of England to listen to other scientists and learn different forms of government. While studying, Thomas Hobbes wondered about why people were allowing themselves to be ruled and what would a great form of government for England. He reasoned that people were naturally wicked and shouldn’t be trusted to govern themselves because they were selfish creatures and would do anything to betterRead MoreThomas Hobbes : The Founding Father Of Political Philosophy1149 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, was born on April 5th, 1588 in England and died on December 4th, 1679 in England. He was not born into a wealthy or powerful family, in fact, he was the son of vicar who happened to get into a disagreement with a clergyman outside of their church which resulted in him having to flee home. Hobbes is known to be the founding father of political philosophy. â€Å"His main concern is the problem of social and political order: how human beings can live together in peaceRead MorePolitical Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes and Rene Descartes1396 Words   |  6 Pagesto examine the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes and Rene Descartes, in particular their ideas relating to the science of man, and attempt to explain why their ideas prove that it is not possible to construct a science of man.brbrI will also briefly mention the philosophy of Donald Davidson in regards to a science of man.brbrThe theories of Hobbes and the contemporary socio-biologists attempt to recognise how man works and on that basis build a society.brbrHobbes wished to be seenRead MoreThe Political Philosophies Of Thomas Hobbes And John Locke3805 Words   |  16 PagesThe purpose of this essay will be to thoroughly compare and contrast the political philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. At the surface, these two scholars seem to offer contradictory models of political order, while at the same time relying on similar views of human nature. These men published their most famous offerings, Hobbes’ Leviathan and Locke s Second Treatises of Government, during an era of developing capitalism and market mechanisms. I will discuss the role of the emerging socialRead MoreHobbes, Marx, and Shah1503 Words   |  7 Pagespropagated the idea equality and liberalism (Brians). Romanticism was an international movement which occurred after the Enlightenment during the late 1700s to the mid-1800s (Melani). It placed emotions at the forefront of human thought (Melani). Thomas Hobbes, a very early Enlightenment thinker, has a variety of ideas which do not coincide with those of Karl Marx, an early Romantic. The thinkers of the Enlightenment era, which was the 1700s, were philosophes, and â€Å"they believed that human reason couldRead MoreThomas Hobbes : The Age Of Reason1313 Words   |  6 PagesNolasco Green-Heffern Western Civilization 11/20/14 2 Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes was a political philosopher who lived at the beginning of the Enlightenment period, also known as The Age of Reason. He lived during a time when England was experiencing a lot of political conflict between the king and Parliament. (Green-Heffern) This was also a time when many questions existed about how to rule a country and what made a good government. Thomas Hobbes’ Elements of Law (1640), his analysis of the SocialRead MoreThomas Hobbes s Leviathan 1190 Words   |  5 PagesThe source which will be analysed is the frontispiece of Thomas Hobbes most famous work ‘Leviathan’ and ‘Leviathan’ as a whole. The frontispiece is considered as prominent as the arguments put forth by Thomas Hobbes in the ‘Leviathan’ itself. The frontispiece depicts a crowned figure grasping a crosier and a sword. This figure, or ‘Leviathan’, represents the all-powerful, comprehensive state. When looked at closely, the torso and arms of the figure are made up of hundreds of individual people, whoRead MoreImpact Of Thomas Hobbes During The Age Of Absolutism1009 Words   |  5 PagesThomas Hobbes During the Age of Absolutism The Age of Absolutism was a time during the 16th to 19th centuries where many political, religious and colonial conflicts were rising. Some philosophers began to analyze the ideas of their civilizations in depth toward the end of this time period as it led into the Age of Enlightenment. One of these philosophers was Thomas Hobbes. He had quite a few accomplishments during his lifetime including writing many books and supporting the popular belief thatRead More Thomas Hobbes View on Government Essay567 Words   |  3 PagesThomas Hobbes View on Government      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thomas Hobbes in his controversial work, the Leviathan, declares that such   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   a government based on the rule of the common people, would result in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   anarchy and total pandemonium.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   But before one can understand Hobbes view on government, it is important   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   to understand how Hobbes feels about people. Hobbes has a very   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   materialistic view on the world because of his belief that the movements

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Bimbo Free Essays

Estrategias de Crecimiento de Bimbo: Fusiones y Adquisiciones a. Como se incorporo Bimbo el reparto de utilidades y la responsabilidad social en su compania? REPARTO DE UTILIDADES: Uno de los ingredientes mas importantes de la â€Å"receta secreta† de Bimbo es que no concibe a sus colaboradores como â€Å"recursos humanos†, sino como personas a las que brinda trato justo y afecto, seguridad, oportunidades de aprender y de crecer siendo utiles a la sociedad. Crecer e innovar es la consigna del personal de Bimbo. We will write a custom essay sample on Bimbo or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ellos saben que el desarrollo de nuevos productos y la reinversion de las utilidades es lo mejor para la empresa, y mantienen el compromiso de generar una publicidad etica, anclada en la verdad y el respeto al cliente. Una â€Å"gran preocupacion desde el principio, fue la relacion con el personal. Queriamos que trabajara contento, que se identificara con la empresa, que se le respetara. Por nuestra formacion cristiana, teniamos una vision no instrumental de la gente, de relaciones cordiales y armoniosas con el personal†. Con los anos se consolido el ideal de una empresa â€Å"altamente productiva y plenamente humana†. Los repartos de utilidades entre los colaboradores rebasaron los minimos fijados por ley, y muchos de ellos pudieron adquirir acciones de la empresa a precios inferiores a los del mercado. . Participacion de los trabajadores en las utilidades – La PTU se registra en los resultados del ano en que se causa y se presenta en el rubro de otros gastos en los estados de resultados. 2008 2007 2006 Ventas Netas82,317 72,294 66,836 Participacion de los trabajadores en las utilidades 467 467 456 RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL: Comprometido con su responsabilidad social, Grupo Bimbo participa en importantes proyectos comunitarios, como la reforestacion de areas naturales protegidas de la Republica Mexicana, asi como en diferentes proyectos para el bienestar de la sociedad. El Programa de Responsabilidad Social, se centra en cuatro programas: 1. Comprometidos con tu Salud.? 2. Comprometidos con el Medio Ambiente.? 3. Comprometidos con Nuestros Colaboradores.? 4. Comprometidos con Nuestra Sociedad. 1. Comprometidos con tu Salud: Integra iniciativas enfocadas al bienestar de la poblacion: a. Innovacion y reformulacion de productos: Reduccion de acidos trans-fat, azucar y sal. Introduccion de productos de 100 calorias, introduccion de productos fortificados con avena, linaza, etc. b. Informacion Nutricional a los consumidores: Informacion mas comprensible por medio de etiquetas mas claras y legibles. c. Publicidad y Mercadotecnia responsables: Se firmo el Codigo Mexicano de Publicidad de Alimentos y Bebidas para ninos, con el cual se comprometen a promover una publicidad socialmente responsable hacia los ninos. d. Promocion de actividad fisica y estilos de vida saludables: A traves de publicidad, envolturas, sitios en Internet, publicaciones, reportes del consumidor y promocion de actividades, contribuyen a el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los consumidores. Por ejemplo: el slogan â€Å"Llenate de energia con 30 minutos de ejercicio diario† en todos los empaques y publicidad; y el Torneo Futbolito Bimbo. e. Asociaciones: Con otras empresas para establecer programas como Alianza para el corazon, Alianza para un estilo de vida saludable. Y con institutos de nutricion para poder ofrecer productos nuevos y mejores. Tambien se apoya a la Cruz Roja en Mexico, la Casa de la Amistad para Ninos con Cancer en Mexico y otros proyectos en Guatemala, Costa Rica y Uruguay. En EEUU se apoyan programas que contribuyen a la prevencion de enfermedades congenitas, nacimientos prematuros y muerte de ninos, entre otros. 2. Comprometidos con el Medio Ambiente: Se trabaja mas de 20 proyectos en 5 lineas de accion: a. Ahorro de energia b. Reduccion de emisiones c. Ahorro de agua d. Administracion de desperdicios solidos. e. Responsabilidad social hacia el medio ambiente: Se invita a los colaboradores y proveedores a compartir acciones para beneficiar el medio ambiente. Se llevan a cabo ferias de Sustentabilidad para dar a conocer a los colaboradores informacion de los productos ecologicos para el consumo en el hogar. Se fundo â€Å"Reforestemos Mexico† que en conjunto con los grupos etnicos de Mexico se desarrollan habilidades para promover las practicas sustentables y asegurar la preservacion de recursos naturales. Bimbo es parte de la Comision de Estudios del Sector Privado para el Desarrollo Sustentable que representa al Consejo de Negocios Mundial de Desarrollo Sustentable, en Mexico. 3. Comprometidos con Nuestros Colaboradores: a. Salud y Seguridad: Programas de orientacion que incluyen platicas para reducir los accidentes en la compania, asi la realizacion de campanas medicas que promueven la vacunacion, y pruebas de vision, audicion y dentales a los colaboradores. Constantemente se refuerza la importancia de adoptar estilos de vida saludables por medio de conferencias y cursos. Se ha implementado un programa que promueve el ejercicio fisico diario en el trabajo. b. Desarrollo de Colaboradores: Se ofrecen cursos de educacion primaria, cursos de ingles, instruccion para lograr un grado universitario en Mexico y Latinoamerica, tambien se cuenta con una Universidad virtual que contribuye al desarrollo de talento y liderazgo. c. Ayuda Social: Se promueven los ahorros voluntarios entre los colaboradores. Se promueven oportunidades de trabajo, se contrata a un gran numero de colaboradores con discapacidades, se ofrecen conferencias sobre ambiente de trabajo, etc. 4. Comprometidos con Nuestra Sociedad: Se ayuda en forma economica para promover el progreso social y la educacion. En el area de educacion se construyo en 2008 el Centro para el Tratamiento de Individuos con Afasia, se apoyaron programas educativos como â€Å"Ayudando a Ninos como Yo â€Å" de UNICEF, â€Å"El Calendario de Valores† de Fundacion Televisa, programas de nutricion a ninos y becas de la Fundacion Tarahumara, entre otros. Se colaboro en la publicacion del libro â€Å"Como proteger a tus hijos de las drogas†. Mas de 1,000 estudiantes y educadores recibieron apoyo a traves de instituciones como Fundacion de Empresarios por a Educacion Basica. Y se ayudo a mas de 5,000 estudiantes universitarios de la Escuela Bancaria y Comercial, ITAM, UDEM e UIA. Tambien en el extranjero se apoya en organizaciones en pro de la educacion. Mas de un millon de agricultores se han beneficiado de los proyectos que apoya Grupo Bimbo. Tambien, en asociacion con FinComun, se le ha br indado ayuda financiera a mas de 15 mil micro empresas y cerca de 140 mil personas con espiritu emprendedor para que desarrollen sus propios negocios. b. ?Cuando se convirtio Bimbo en una empresa cotizada en la Bolsa de Valores? La primera empresa del grupo, â€Å"Panificacion Bimbo†, fue fundada el 2 de diciembre de 1945 en la ciudad de Mexico. Posteriormente, entre 1952 y 1978, se abrieron 12 plantas mas, lo que le permitio extender la distribucion de sus productos a todo Mexico. Durante este mismo periodo se constituyo la fabrica â€Å"Pasteles y Bizcochos†, que posteriormente se convertiria en â€Å"Productos Marinela†. Y se establecieron las primeras plantas de dulces y chocolates de â€Å"Ricolino† y de botanas saladas â€Å"Barcel†. Durante este periodo empezo tambien la integracion vertical del Grupo con la inauguracion de la primera planta de mermeladas. Desde febrero de 1980, 34 anos despues de su fundacion, Grupo Bimbo se transformo en una empresa publica y 15% de sus acciones comenzaron a cotizarse en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores. La empresa no se cotiza en el exterior, debido a que no ha tenido necesidad de financiarse en mercados internacionales, sus necesidades la ha cubierto oportunamente el mercado nacional. c. ?Cuando fue la primera adquisicion de Bimbo? ?Cual fue la meta, y como actuo la compania para asegurar que su flexibilidad no fuera comprometida por esta adquisicion? Con la finalidad de lograr una posicion de liderazgo a nivel internacional y consolidarse como lider en el continente americano, el Grupo ha realizado inversiones en el extranjero. Dichas inversiones se efectuan a traves de asociaciones estrategicas y/o adquisiciones de empresas del sector que le permitan tener una red de canales de distribucion y venta todavia mas importante y asi poder consolidarse operativamente. El interes de BIMBO por participar en los mercados internacionales se debe al gran potencial de crecimiento en lo referente a la relacion de consumo entre pan tradicional y pan empacado. La primera adquisicion del Grupo Bimbo en Mexico fue Continental de Alimentos, S. A. en Mexico en 1986. En 1990 comenzo con operaciones a nivel internacional con la adquisicion de una planta productora de pan y pastelitos en Guatemala. Las estrategias de adquisicion le han permitido al Grupo capitalizar las experiencias en diferentes mercados y diversificar su concentracion geografica, disminuyendo asi el riesgo que pudieran presentar los mercados locales en los que participa. La estrategia de crecimiento de Grupo Bimbo ha sido desde un principio consolidar su plataforma. Cronologia de expansion y adquisiciones del Grupo Bimbo: 1984BIMBO incursiono en el mercado de exportacion con la distribucion de productos Marinela hacia EE. UU. 1986BIMBO adquirio en Mexico: Continental de Alimentos, S. A. de C. V. , empresa que producia y comercializaba la marca Wonder, hasta entonces competidora directa de BIMBO en panificacion y pastelitos. 1989Se adquiere Holsum en Venezuela. 1990Comenzo con operaciones a nivel internacional, con la adquisicion de una planta productora de pan y pastelitos en Guatemala, esto marco el inicio de la cobertura que el Grupo tiene en Latinoamerica. 992Adquision de Alesa, S. A. y Cena (hoy Ideal, S. A. ) en Chile. Adquision en Mexico de la fabrica Galletas Lara, lo cual permitio la entrada formal al mercado de las galletas tradicionales, tipo â€Å"marias† y saladas, 1993Se extendio a Venezuela con la adquisicion de Industrias Marinela, C. A. y Panificadora Holsum de Venezuela, C. A. Se instalaron plantas productivas en Argentin a, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador y Peru, asi como empresas de distribucion en Honduras y Nicaragua. Se explande en Estados Unidos, con el establecimiento y adquisicion de plantas productivas en los estados fronterizos con Mexico. Se adquiere Orbit Finer Foods, Inc. 1994Se adquiere en EEUU: La Fronteriza, Inc. 1995Se adquiere en EEUU: CC Bakery, Inc. y la Tapatia Tortilleria, Inc. 1996Se adquiere en EEUU: Pacific Pride Bakeries, con dos plantas (Suandy Foods Inc. y Proalsa Trading, Co. 1998Se adquiere en EEUU: La empresa de panificacion Mrs. Baird’s, lider en el estado de Texas, EEUU , y en Mexico se inicio con operaciones en la planta de Bimbo en la Paz, Baja California. La expansion de BIMBO llego al continente europeo con el establecimiento en Alemania de la empresa distribuidora de confiteria Park Lane Confectionery. Tambien en ese ano, con objeto de enfocarse en sus negocios principales, BIMBO llevo a cabo desinversiones en la elaboracion y distribucion de helados en Mexico y de botanas saladas en Chile. 1999BIMBO realizo una alianza estrategica con la empresa Dayhoff, en EE. UU. , dedicada a la distribucion de dulces, a traves de una participacion accionaria de 50%. BIMBO se asocio con Grupo Mac’Ma al adquirir una participacion de 51% en las empresas dedicadas a la elaboracion de pastas. En el estado de California, EE. UU. , adquirio la empresa panificadora Four-S. Se construyo una nueva planta panadera en Tijuana, BC. Refuerza presencia en Colombia, con la adquisicion de activos en la ciudad de Calli. Se convierte en el proveedor unico de toda la bolleria de la cadena de restaurantes McDonald? s en Venezuela, Colombia y Peru. Se concretan negociaciones con la empress Panacea, SA en Costa Rica, lo cual permitio a BIMBO la adqusision de algunos de los activos de esta empresa y el derecho al uso de Tulipan, su marca lider en ese pais. Se consolida en EEUU Mrs. Baaird’s Bakeries Busineess Trust en el mercado de Texas y Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc. en el mercado de California. 000Se inauguran, a traves de Ricolino, dos plantas en la Union Europea, una en Viena, Suiza y en Ostrava, Republica Checa. Se adquiere la panificadora Pan Pyc, la segunda empresa mas importante en Peru. Se adquiere la empresa La Mejor en Guatemala, con presencia en Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras. 2001Se adquirio Plus Vita, una de la empresas panificadoras mas grandes en Brasil. 2002La participacion de BIMBO en la alianza con la empresa Dayhoff en EEUU aumento a 70%. Se fusionaron todas las empresas operadoras del Grupo en Mexico, en dos grandes empresas Bimbo, SA de CV y Barcel , SA de CV. Para optimizar operaciones y eficientar su capacidad instalada y su fuerza de distribucion. Se adquirio, a traves de la subsidiaria en EEUU, las operaciones de la panificacion en la region oeste de EEUU, pertenecientes a la empresa George Weston Limited. Con ello fortalecio la posicion del Grupo en mercados clave: California y Texas. 2003Se concreto una alianza estrategica con Wrigley Sales Company en EEUU. Participacion como socio minoritario en un consorcio donde adquiere ciertos derechos de propiedad y deuda de la Compania de Alimentos Fargo, SA en Argentina. 004 Adquiere el total de acciones de Dayhoff en EEUU. Adquisicion de las empresas Jocyco de Mexico SA de CV, Alimentos Duval, SA de CV y Lollmen, SA de CV, propiedad de accionistas mexicanos y de la empresa espanola Corporacion Agrolimen, SA. Se adquieren en Mexico dos plantas de produccion lideres de la industria de la confiteria en Mexico. 2005Se adquiere en Mexico: Controladora y Administradora de Pastelerias, SA de CV, op eradora de las pastelerias El Globo. 2006Se adquiere en Uruguay las empresas panificadoras Walter M. Doldan y Cia, SA y Los Sorchantes, SA, posicionados como lideres en el mercado. Se inician operaciones en Asia, al adquirir la empresa Beijing Ranrico Food Processing Center, ubicada en China, lo que ha permitido una importante presencia y reconocimiento en Beijing y Tianjin. Se adquieren activos y marcas de las pastelerias El Molino, unas de las mas antiguas y de mayor tradicion en Mexico. 2007Se realizo la compraventa de la empresa de galletas, grissines y pan rallado Maestro Cubano Florentino Sande, SA en Uruguay. Se adquirio Temis en Paraguay. 008Se adquieren las companias Laura y de Firenze en Brasil. Se adquiere Plucky en Uruguay. Adquiere el 75% e acciones de la empresa panificadora Nutrela Alimentos, SA en Brasil. Se adquiere en Honduras Galletas Lido Pozuelo. Se adquiere en Mexico: Galletas Gabi 2009Se adquiere la panificadora Weston Foods, Inc en EEUU. Mayor operacion en la historia del Grupo Bimbo. Bibliografia: Santander (2009) Latin American Equity Research: Recuperado e l dia 27 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. santander. com. mx/PDF/canalfin/documentos/bimbo231009e. df Grupo Bimbo (2010) GRUPO BIMBO REPORTA RESULTADOS DEL SEGUNDO TRIMESTRE DE 2009. Recuperado el dia 27 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com. mx/relacioninv/uploads/reports/PR%202T09. pdf Grupo Bimbo (2010) Reporte Anual 2008. Recuperado el dia 27 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com/relacioninv/uploads/reports/IA%202008%20esp. pdf Grupo Bimbo (2008) DECLARACION DE INFORMACION SOBRE REESTRUCTURACION SOCIETARIA. Recuperado el 28 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com/relacioninv/uploads/press/reescorp. pdf Enfasis Alimentacion (2010) Grupo Bimbo podria convertirse en la empresa mas importante de panificacion a nivel mundial. Recuperado el dia 28 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. alimentacion. enfasis. com/notas/11490-grupo-bimbo-podria-convertirse-la-empresa-mas-importante-panificacion-nivel-mundial Grupo Bimbo (2010) Historia Grupo Bimbo. Recuperado el 28 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com/admin/content/uploaded/Historia%20Grupo%20Bimbo. pdf Grupo Bimbo 08 Social Responsability Report http://www. grupobimbo. com/admin/content/uploaded/BIMBO%20RS%20ING%20xpag. df Grupo Bimbo Informe Anual 08 http://www. grupobimbo. com/relacioninv/uploads/reports/IA%202008%20esp. pdf Editorial Columnas. Cultura Bimbo. http://www. eluniversal. com. mx/columnas/55515. html Grupo Bimbo. Pagina internet. http://www. grupobimbo. com/display. php? section=1subsection=13 Bolsa Mexicana de Valores http://www. bmv. com. mx/ Entrepreneur. Grupo Bimbo Selling Bread and Nostalgia http://www. entrepren eur. com/tradejournals/article/131896496. html Grupo Bimbo. Reporte Anual 2008 http://www. bmv. com. mx/infoanua/infoanua_3099_20090625_1643. pdf How to cite Bimbo, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Diceyan Model of Sovereignty free essay sample

An examination of the Diceyan model of minimal state and government intervention and its application to European law in the 70s. This paper analyzes the Diceyan model as a belief in limited government intervention and how this belief is in direct contrast to the new English law that emerged at the time. The Diceyan model of sovereignty was written within the context of the late 19th century and a belief in limited government and minimum state intervention. The modern 20th century has altered this context with the growth of government intervention and the role of the state; and many critics (before 1972) have stressed the limitations of this theory. Nonetheless, it is testament to the Diceyan model that it remains the classical definition of sovereignty. The UKs signing of the European Communities Act in 1972, however, was without doubt a major legal and political watershed and a challenge to the traditional Diceyan approach. We will write a custom essay sample on Diceyan Model of Sovereignty or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The UK courts have been forced to gradually reconsider the traditional approach and arguably reduce their supremacy.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Charter and public schools in the United States of America

Introduction Charter and public schools in the United States of America are facing a myriad of challenges stemming from external and internal pressure. Externally, both public and charter schools are required to perform well during examinations. Anderson and Holder (2012) carried out a longitudinal study to investigate the ten years annual reports of the two local charter schools in the United States of America.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Charter and public schools in the United States of America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The study utilized information from various sources, such as document analyses, site visits along with various and numerous interviews. The findings of this study revealed that the two schools under study received a lot of feedback regarding its administration, curriculum and evaluation. CER (Center for education reform) describes a charter school as an innovative public sch ool that is accountable to pupils/students outcomes as well as developed into offer programs that are modified to meet the desires or needs of the community they serve. In the year 1992, a first charter school was opened in the city of Saint Paul within the state of Minnesota. Presently, there are at least 4,100 charter schools in the United States of America, which accommodate more than 1.2 million students (Bailey, 2009). The District of Columbia and 42 states in the U.S. have laws, which are associated with the charter school. In every charter school, there is a board of governors that are responsible for making critical decision in regards to the school. Besides, there are also sponsors in charter schools who play an integral role in monitoring as well as approving application to ensure that there is success in this school. Statement of the Problem The core reason why charter schools were initiated was to increase the academic option in the public school system. Peebles (2004) d efines curriculum as the entire issues that take place within the school. They include interpersonal link, guidance, extracurricular activities as well as academic work. Peebles further points out that curriculum entails cultural dissonance, academic expectation of the parents, teachers’ support as well as experience in addition to instructional leadership. Peebles carried out a case study to examine four issues associated with curriculum in the Marblehead charter school.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The issues explored included cultural dissonance, academic expectation, teacher training and experience as well as instructional leadership. Peebles also asserts that, in order for the charter schools to develop, they must move via various critical stages. These stages encompass pre-operational phase, operational phase as well as institutional operational stage. As poin ted out by Anderson and Holder (2012), operational and pre-operational activities have the capacity to impede the opening of charter schools and as such, great focus should be directed to them in the course of the beginning phases of the charter schools development. The director of Marblehead charter school placed more focus on the survival of the school, such as curriculum development, development as well as staff and instruction supervision. Background of the Problem The desire to perform well is putting a lot of pressure on both, charter and public schools to constantly review their curriculum in an effort to compete effectively. Skilton-Sylvester(2011) opine that present day principles and managers of public and charter schools are required to constantly monitor and evaluate efficacy of their curriculum, review and implement new strategies and tactics in order to improve the performance of students in schools. Autonomy as well as teachers leadership are critical tenets in the de velopment of a school’s curriculum. Several studies have demonstrated that inexperienced teachers do not contribute enough to the development of a school curriculum. Purpose of the Study Charter and public schools in the United States of America have to combat a number of challenges because of external and internal pressure. Externally, both public and charter schools need to show good results during examinations. Internally, some schools have inexperienced teachers and poor curriculum that does not enhance performance of students. Developing a comprehensive and effective curriculum in both charter and public schools will provide a platform for these schools to perform well in examinations.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Charter and public schools in the United States of America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As noted by Peebles (2004), an inexperienced and poor teacher has the potential to un constructively affect the outcome of students even after the students have left the class. In the process of defining a curriculum, it is critical that teachers possess a detailed apprehension of approaches for assessing the outcome of students, techniques for assessing curricula as well as instructional delivery and the content of the curriculum. Besides, when developing a curriculum, teachers should be given sufficient time to plan, to create, to adopt and to assess the curriculum. Numerous studies have revealed that one of the reasons why students migrate from one school to another is attributed mainly to students’ poor academic performance. Most parents who are not contented with grades of their children received during the process of studying at school are more than wiling to transfer their children to another school. The significance of the Problem Students have different abilities in a given or particular classroom. We can hardly have a one-size lesson package which ca n fit all students in the class. Learning procedures and abilities differ across the classroom. As a result, there is a need for a lesson tailored to fit a specific group of students with a common liability or problem. The lesson must address these needs for effectiveness and benefits of the students. At the same time, the needs of students are divers. This means that teachers should tailor their teaching profession in a specific way in order to meet specific needs of the students. The teacher in this case faces a challenging task of ensuring that he or she has the needed and required skills for some particular needs. Differentiated instruction is an area in the teaching profession which is harnessed for providing specific needs to students. Given that students have specific needs that must be catered for by differentiated instructions, there is the need for developing an area for students’ professional development for the differentiated instruction. In this paper, differenti ated instruction for students with difficulties in learning the English language in a mathematics class will be addressed and looked at. Mathematics Learning in English Language Mathematics is a core subject in all disciplines. The subject is a must-learn for students in various disciplines. Mathematics is majorly taught in English. This is because of the ease with which the language is used in relation to mathematical expressions. The United States of America, the United Kingdom, and some countries in Africa use English in mathematics classes. At the same time, the United Kingdom and the United States of America have non-English speaking population who are schooling in the same. As a result, mathematical textbooks used in this setting are written in the English language. The same text books are used in African countries in the mathematical curriculum.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Teachers in training colleges are taught in English and as a result, they infer the same to students in English. At the same time, there is no discrimination in education settings. Consequently, students are huddled together in the same learning environment irrespective of their ethnic backgrounds (Bender, 2002). Students who have English as their second language find it hard to cope with in a mathematics class as they are faced with two tasks that ought to be accomplished simultaneously. The first task entails learning the English language, whereas the second task involves learning mathematics itself. Due to this, the students who have the English language as their second language struggle to grasp concepts in mathematics class. This happens due to the fact that when the lessons are delivered, teachers do not discriminate students but deliver the lesson with an assumption that they are grasping the concept irrespective of the language deficiency. Given that teachers cannot speak an d learn the first language for every student in class, there is a need for them to offer differentiated instruction to students in this area. Differentiated instruction is vital to students with learning disabilities as teachers are trained to give instructions with a generalized idea on the same (American Institutes for Research, 2010). Differentiating Mathematical Instruction for English Language Learners Mathematics classes have normally diverse students. The common diversity is seen in terms of ethnic backgrounds. In a mathematics class, about 30% of the students are normally the English language learners. As a result, they differ in the learning abilities, facilities, and styles. The English language learners find it hard to cope with the material in this class. The purpose of differentiation in a mathematics class is to teach the victimized students with the aid of myriads of techniques and strategies that address their deficiencies. This implies that the main focus is on the teacher. The teacher is supposed to come up with strategies in order to implement the differentiation instruction. In this case, the teacher is supposed to be equipped with professional techniques needed to address this issues (Tomlinson, 1999). In this project, the professionalism involved in differentiation mathematical instructions for the English language learners are going to be discussed and highlighted. The Objectives The purpose of differentiating the mathematical instructions for the English language learners is to make the lesson of mathematics comprehensible for all students in the class. Through this concept, the students are supposed to achieve the needed mathematical concept despite their language barriers. As a result, the teacher is supposed to ensure that the students express the numbers or concept used to solve a certain mathematical expression in writing or orally. This involves ensuring that the lesson is not given as it is written in the books but rather is made for the students (Glencoe, 2005). Assessment Methods Before implementing as well as also during and after implementing the strategies involved in the learning process, the teacher is supposed to make an assessment of the class and students in order to identify the needs of the students. There are several methods that can be used. The first method is examination of the records. In this case, the teacher is supposed to carefully examine or review the test score of the students in previous mathematical tests. He or she is also supposed to check the daily assignments and the wording used in the students’ books. Assessment should be done at the beginning of the term or the period the teacher has taken over. Assessments can also be done through a one-on-one talk with the student in case the class is small. In addition, assessment can also be done through testing a learning style inventory that can work best to the students. This is possible through ascertaining the topic that best suits the students (American Institutes for Research, 2010). For this case, the students should be given topics, such as algebra and statistics. Assessment should also be assessed for their progress. This should be done through the skills levels, learning style and thinking skills among many other issues. At the end of every period, the teacher should give the students some projects and evaluate the same to see the extent to which they have grasped the concept (Baker, Gersten, Lee, 2002). The Strategies Making Expressions Banks The strategy consists in making the use of diagrams that show expressions and phrases that are helpful in the English language learners’ (ELLs) study of mathematics. This occurs because when the words used by a teacher are accompanied by diagrams and illustrations, they help the ELLs understand various mathematical concepts and have the memory stick accordingly. The Use of Manipulative Tools These are gadgets that a teacher should employ in the cours e of teaching in order to ease understanding. These manipulative tools are made to help the students come up with physical illustrations which comprise the mathematical expressions. Having a student come up with a physical mathematical model by himself or herself will boost his or her confidence and motivate them to understanding the mathematical concept easily and qucikly (Scholastic Instructor, 2010). Modify a Teacher Talk and Practice Wait Time The teacher should not engage in a lot of talking without giving time to ask questions. Also, when asking a question, some time in order to generate answers should be given to the students in the class. Writing the question on the board helps a lot as well as it helps to stress the most major concepts in the mathematical language (Scholastic Instructor, 2010). Eliciting Nonverbal Responses The English language learners are in most cases used to nonverbal communication. As such, the teacher should be keen to notice their understanding of co ncepts by simply observing their behavior and reactions while teaching (Scholastic Instructor, 2010). The Use of Sentence Frames The English language learners understand sentence frames quite well in their English language. Therefore, the use of such statements while expressing mathematical concept will foster the students’ understanding. Design Different Questions and Prompts at Each Proficiency Level Asking question gives students a chance to express and confirm their understanding of the subject. Also, it helps the teacher know if the concepts taught in the class having been grasped or not. The Use of Prompts to Support Student’s Responses The use of prompts to support student’s responses entails giving a certain way of answering a question to the English language learners. Such prompts help them to be confident while expressing their answers during the lesson Consider Language and Math Skills When Grouping Students Interacting in a group level gives students an opportunity to learn new ideas as well as overcome difficulties which they might have had in understanding some mathematical concepts. Therefore, grouping students with different abilities together helps their learning to a great extent. Those people who support the education for the ELL suggest that common core academic standards should be implemented with an aim of raising achievement for the English learners. Education sector should pay more attention to the non-performers to improve their performance in all the subjects and area of study. Screening of the students’ performance to identify their weaknesses could contribute positively to their performance in the end. The Arizona system of assessment should also be evaluated to improve its effectiveness on the assessment of the student’s performance. Since the study identified that the non-ELL performed better in math than non-ELL, more emphasis should be put on their system of education and the curriculum to equa lize the performance of both groups. Utilize Partner Talk In the course of teaching, the teacher should allow discussions between the neighboring students, which breaks the monotony of the teacher talking alone and also contributes to building trust between the students, being very vital in the process of studying in class. Encourage Choral Responses from Students To encourage choral responses from students helps a sector of learners who hardly speak out to answer a question or ask one. In a choral response, therefore, they are able to gain confidence as well as get the right pronunciation of the mathematical concepts (Scholastic Instructor, 2010). Implementation of the Plan When setting out the plan, the teacher is supposed to ensure that the room is well arranged in a way that it can quickly be rearranged for the next lesson. The teacher should then issue materials in a properly arranged manner to be used for the study. Materials such as drawings tools, computers, textbooks, and a udio materials among many others should be provided (Allsopp, 2008). When everything is ready and arranged, the lesson should start. Leadership Principles The teacher is supposed to display some qualities or principles vital for the implementation of the plan. The first principle is patience. The teacher should be patient with the students and give everyone time to express their own ideas. The next principle should be willingness. The teacher should develop a parent heart and be willing to always help his or her students any time. At the same time, the teacher should maintain professional methods and never deviate from the topic or give up on it because of the difficulties involved. When teaching, the teacher should be honest with his or her students and avoid showing divided favors. Key players in the Plan Since this is a school setting, various players should be involved for the success of the plan. First of all, the parents should be involved by all means. They are supposed to pr ovide the needed funds and materials for the success of the plan. Teachers should also be involved. They should mark the needs of the English language learners and be ready to be called for extra lessons. The teacher leaders should ensure that materials are availed on time. The staff should also be willing to help in any way possible. The students should be willing to be helped and always help each other (Allsopp, Kyger Lovin, 2007). Mathematics is often regarded as a foreign and quite hard subject to grasp to most students unlike the other subjects taught at school or college. Particularly, in the case of English Language Learners (ELLs), mathematics to them is a major challenge. For a teacher, as a result, it is hard make the students fully understand the math language, as such, a lot of efforts are required to acquire math concepts in the oral and written form. References Allsopp, D. H., Kyger, M. M. Lovin, L. H. (2007). Teaching mathematics meaningfully: Solutions to reaching struggling learners. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing. Allsopp, D., Kyger, M., Lovin, L., Garretson, H., Carson, K. Ray, S. (2008). Mathematics dynamic assessment: Informal assessment that responds to the needs of struggling learners in mathematics. Teaching Exceptional Children, 40(3), 6-16. American Institutes for Research. (2010). Differentiated Instruction for Math. Web. Anderson, D. L., Holder, K. C. (2012). Accolades and Recommendations: A Longitudinal Analysis of Monitoring Reports for Two Charter Schools Serving Native American Students. Journal of School Choice, 6(2), 184-208. doi:10.1080/15582159.2012.673967 Bailey, M.J.H. (2009). The Introduction of Religious Chapter Schools: A Cultural Movement in the Private School Sector. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 18, 272-289. Baker, S., Gersten, R., Lee, D. (2002). A synthesis of empirical research on teaching mathematics to low-achieving students. The Elementary School Journal, 103, 51-73. Bender, W. (2002). Dif ferentiating instruction for students with learning disabilities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Glencoe. (2005). Differentiating instruction in the Mathematics classroom. Web. Scholastic Instructor. (2010). 10 ways to help ells succeed in Math. Scholastic Instructor. Web. Skilton-Sylvester, P. (2011). Eyes on the Curriculum: How One Charter School Resisted Test-Driven Pressures. Dissent (00123846), 58(4), 52-58. Tomlinson, C. (1999). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms. Alexandria , VA: ASCD. This research paper on Charter and public schools in the United States of America was written and submitted by user Yaretzi Williamson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Applcation paper Example

Applcation paper Example Applcation paper – Essay Example The concept ‘supervision’ In relation to the analysts and researchers in the field of management, supervision has been termed as one of the vital aspects that boost an organization’s performance. On the other hand, for almost all organizations that are geared towards the attainment of results, supervision is mandatory. Burke and Krey argue that supervision is an action carried out by the supervisors in an endeavor to evaluate the efforts put by the employees towards the organization’s efficacy (21). They also indicate that supervision places emphasis on the way employees contribute to the advancement of an organization. Nevertheless, the degree of supervision can only be understood after an assessment of the size of the association and the number of employees each organization has. In Burke and Krey’s argument, supervision handles the behavior of varying persons and the proper coordination of the behaviors portrayed by the same employees (20). From this work, it is evident that the human behavior has been regarded as an aspect that requires proper coordination and facilitation (21). In this context, therefore, supervision attempts to understand employee behaviour and devise means in which they come up with methodologies that will gear them towards achievement and progress. In the case of an organization, community, or family circle, supervision will be of benefit in the event of implementing changes. Since an organization is comprised of persons, Burke and Krey recommend that supervisors include communication of the roles of each person in the organization to avoid misunderstandings (24). Since individuals will always have a tendency of resisting change, they should leave a chance of disappointment in the course of dispensing duties (21). All in all, the decisions they make must be firm, unless a delicate situation comes up, where they are required to consult with the fellow supervisors. However, proper communication channels must be used at all times, as well as communication to the employees. In this case, the employees will feel involved in the organization’s decision-making process, and this will increase their motivation. Works cited Burke, Peter, and Robert Krey. Supervision: A Guide to Instructional Leadership. New York: Charles C Thomas Publisher, 2005. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reconstruction of the Union following the Civil War Research Paper

Reconstruction of the Union following the Civil War - Research Paper Example The Reconstruction also brought several black members to Congress and to all other government positions including the sheriff and the judge. Moreover, the Reconstruction brought with it the formulation of certain laws that protected and underlined the rights of black people in the American society (â€Å"Reconstruction: The Second Civil War†). The first problem associated with the Reconstruction is that the first reconstruction plans were themselves problematic. Lincoln’s 10 percent policy was not accepted by Radical Republicans for they said it was too easy for the Confederate states to use to gain readmission and that the plan was not enough in terms of protecting the former slaves. Because of this deficiency, Congress passed its own Wade-Davis Bill, which tried to limit the political participation of white Confederates and proposed the equality of the blacks before the law, but Lincoln did not sign the bill into a law (â€Å"Reconstruction†). ... Many of the problems concerning the Reconstruction actually had their roots from selfish political agenda of certain politicians both from the North and the South. Another problem with the Reconstruction is that it brought with it certain disagreements among blacks and whites on the newly institutionalized laws of equality and emancipation of the Negro slave. This resulted in several complications about the ownership of land and about the new sharecropping practices such as those experienced by the landlady Butler when negotiating with her former slaves as to how much of the proceeds of the plantation would go to her and how much would go to the black worker. In fact, she could sense so much animosity among her former slaves that is why she always slept at night with a pistol beside her. The complications and tension also extended to the state governments, such as that of Georgia, where the white lawmakers defied the command of the Northern States by banning black people from taking part in the state government. Although this was remedied, hatred and tension have developed between blacks and whites (â€Å"Reconstruction: The Second Civil War†). There was also the problem of the impending Negro rule or the supremacy and dominance of blacks. Certain influential black leaders during the time of the Reconstruction like the preacher Tunis Campbell has encouraged blacks to fight for their rights by instilling in them a hatred towards whites and the idea that the whites were always taking advantage of blacks. Campbell has also inspired blacks to complain to their masters about what is supposed to be rightfully theirs (â€Å"Reconstruction: The Second Civil War†). Another problem with the Reconstruction is the group of white Republicans who want to settle down

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Effects Of Attractiveness On Social Decision Making Article

Effects Of Attractiveness On Social Decision Making - Article Example The present paper will also discuss the hypothesis selected for the above-described research along with the evaluation of its validity as well. Hence, the paper will present a comprehensive analytical report with regards to the research conducted by Agthe et al (2011). In the giving research work, the researchers have provided the details of the three different studied they had conducted on the same topic in order to estimate whether or not physical appearance, attractive manifestation and striking charms of the individuals turn out to be supportive ones during the recruitment procedure on the one side, and while getting admission at reputed universities on the other (Agthe et al., 2011:1042). The given research work consists of three studies that had been carried out on young males and females in order to extract their behavior patterns towards the attractive and less attractive individuals belonging to their same and opposite-sex groups. The first study was quantitative one in natu re, where 385 participants belonging to both the genders were selected for conducting the research process, where female participants dominated in the sample size with the ratio of 58:42 approximately (Agthe et al., 2011:1043). The aim of the first study was to observe the significance of physical attraction of the candidates during the selection procedure for jobs against the resumes carrying photographs of the candidates (Agthe et al., 2011:1044). Conducted on the German students to select the young Caucasian candidates, the selectors demonstrated strong likelihood towards the attractive members belonging to their opposite gender group while choosing them to be the most suitable candidates for various jobs. Somehow, the research findings also exhibited that the participants did not select the attractive and good-looking same-sex members as the most appropriate and potential candidates for the job (Agthe et al., 2011:1045-46).

Monday, November 18, 2019

Applying Standardized Terminologies in Practice Essay - 3

Applying Standardized Terminologies in Practice - Essay Example f bedside patient care of a boy with tonsillitis to help assess the significance of standardized nursing informatics terminologies and the related NANDA, NIC and NOC (Nolan, 2004). Cavendish (2001) defines standardized nursing Terminologies or language is like a common language among nurses, readily understood by all the nurses, to describe particular patient care (American Nurses Association, 2006a). It provides practicing nurses with a common ways of communication outside the normal communication languages. It is important that nursing practitioners confirm their understanding of such terminologies into their work. The application of standardized nursing terminologies for documentation of home care or nursing care is important both to the direct/bedside care and to the nurse nursing profession (Nolan, 2004). Johnson, Maas & Moorhead (2000) outlines that; tonsillitis is a common bacterial infection among children and adolescents and very less with adults. Because of its common nature, especially during winter and other cold months, there are a plethora of records, data and information about its diagnosis and care especially among children and adolescents. Subsequently, American Nurses Association (2006a) acknowledges that there are standardized terminologies that nurses must master. In addition, the situation also exists Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) and in Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) with certain standardized language (Cavendish, 2001). According to Johnson et al. (2000), NANDA classifies tonsils under the broad category of patients with impaired swallowing and throat infections. NANDA defines this category as conditions with abnormal swallowing function mechanism or associated with deficits in pharyngeal, oral, or esophageal function or structure (Cavendish, 2001). According to NANDA, such infections and impaired function are common with children, particularly in wet or cold months of winter. However, it should never be a surprise if

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Study On The Importance Of Mahatma Gandhi

Study On The Importance Of Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi also known as father of Nation- helped throw out white rule and gain independence to India. He followed the path of Ahimsa which was non violence concept and Sathyagrahas which strikes to gain freedom for the people of India. He did all this yet was a lawyer by profession. Gandhi was born into the Hindu Modh family in Porbandar, in 1869. He was the son of Karamchand Gandhi, the diwan (Prime Minister) of Porbandar, and Putlibai. While living with a devout mother and surrounded by the Jain influences of Gujarat, Gandhi learned from an early age the tenets of pacifist to living beings, vegetarianism, fasting for self-purification, and mutual tolerance between members of various creeds and sects. He was born into the vaishya, or business, caste. Yet wanted fight for fair rights amongst his fellow Indians. Gandhi was responsible for many influential attributes during his years. In his younger days he studied to become a lawyer and in South Africa around the early 1880s he become employed by a Muslim firm in Pretoria. Through this firm he became engrossed in several great efforts against the authorities. During this time it peaked his interest for the communitys struggle for civil rights and Indias desire to stand on its own. Around 1915 when he returned to India he instantly joined the Indian National Congress as a large movement. While doing so he began to wear a simple quite simple which consisted of a white loin cloth, white shawl and sandals. This style appeals too many Indians in the rural areas who then gave him the name Mahatma meaning great saint. Gandhi philosophy revolved around three central notions: sawaraj meaning home rule, sarvodaya meaning welfare of all, and satyagraha meaning non-violence. Whereas Satyagraha was the key component for accomplishing political goals while using non- violent tactics. And sarvodaya and sawararja were used to support ideas of individual and overall improvement and renewal. With this renewal Gandhi was adamant in the belief that this necessary for India to revive itself of its history and culture and get rid of the British hovering over them. One major accomplishment held by Gandhi led a 200 mile Salt March so that the people of India could make and gather their own salt. His goal was for the people of India not to buy salt from the British. This march is called the Salt Satyagraha which started with the Dandi March on March 12, 1930, which was a key part of the Indian Independence Movement. This crusade was entirely nonviolent against the British salt tax in India. This protest prompted a larger Civil Movement. This movement was the most momentous organized attempt to confront the British government since Non-cooperation movement of 1920-22, and was directly followed the Purna Swaraj declaration of independence by the Indian National Congress in January of 1930. Gandhi also led the Dandi march near Ahmedabad, to the sea coast near the village of Dandi. This imspiring man continued on his mile march to make salt without paying the tax the British wanted while still expanding the number of Indians joined him along his jour ney. Eventually Gandhi broke the salt laws in Dandi at the end of the march on April 6, 1930, thus sparking large scale acts of civil disobedience against the British Raj salt laws by millions of Indians. Gandhi 1906 the Transval government cultivated a new Act to force registration of the colonys population At a enormous protest in Johannesburg on September 11th that year, Gandhi went on views evolving the devotion of truth. At this time involving his followers for the first time to defy the new law and suffer the consequences for doing so. Through this act thousands of people were imprisoned include Gandhi himself. Also beaten or shot. This was all because they were refusing to register, striking , or setting their registration cards on fire. Although these were all non violent means the government was still very violent towards them. While the government was successful in suppressing the Indians protesters, the public outlook the technique of how the government handled the peaceful protester finally forced the South African general at the time to negotiate a deal with Gandhi. A second attribute by Gandhi was made when he went on a 21 day fast to protest against the war between the Muslims and the Hindus and also to protest against Great Britain for not allowing India to be free. In March 1922, Gandhi was jailed for treason and after his trial he was sentenced to six years in prison. After about two years, Gandhi was released due to his declining health following surgery to treat his appendicitis. After his release, Gandhi found his country involved in serious violent attacks between Hindus and Muslims. As compensation for the violence, Gandhi decided to begin a 21-day fast, known as the Great Fast of 1924. At the time he was still ill from his recent surgery, many thought he would die anytime after day twelve, but he pulled through and held on for this passionate cause. This fast created a temporary peace. Another impact created by him was when he was arrested by the police of the charge of creating a unrest and was told to leave the area. Due to this, thousands of people protested and gathered followers to stand outside the police station and courts insisting his release. Which eventually the courts unenthusiastic allowed. After his release he helped arrange strikes against the landlords, who with the help of the government signed an agreement granting the poor farmers of that area more money and control over farming and also cancel the inflation until the famine ended. It was then Gandhi was looked at by the people as Batu meaning father and Mahatma meaning great soul. And lastly the greatest accomplishment of Gandhi was his life-long fight for the independence of India. Which fulfill his dream for his countrys independence which finally became reality on August 15, 1947. His life goal was to free India of the Britishs tight hold. To even get to that point Gandhi and his devoted follow struggle to rise to the top. Gandhi played a big role in order for India to achieve independence. He encouraged Indians to do the ahimsa and the satyagraha or simply truth-force. In which they purposely shows civil insubordination against the authorities. Indians had also established parties to gain freedom and eventually independence from Britain. Instances of these parties are the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League. Even though thats true, there were many hardships on their way to top. During the great effort to self-government about 200,000 people were killed while fighting for their liberty in which they finally succeeded because they were able to gai n independence at August 15, 1947. Gandhi was the most outstanding political and spiritual leader of India especially during the Indian independence movement. He had many followers, and taught many how to protest peacefully, instead of using violence and war. Although many know who Gandhi is numerous people do not know the greatness he has achieved. I believe he is very influential with everything he did. Gandhi stood up against the British Empire and got civil right for India while protest peacefully even thought the British hurt and killed many innocent Indians. Although imprisoned for his heroic work he never gave up. He was responsible for popularizing the concept of non violence and truth through struggle. The usefulness of these two ideas can be showed how the India used this implement to single handedly brought down the British and attempt to colonize Gandhis nation. I think this is incredible seeing though the British ruled several colonies for centuries yet Gandhi helped India rise and force them to leave them alone in just about thirty years. This proved that the use of non violent protest is very powerful. Most importantly a government can rule peoples bodies yet have no control over their minds. Due to these events I believe G andhi is forever remembered in history to this day .For how he stood up for Indian civil rights, and has made a big difference for people in India today. Even after his death Gandhi is still remembered.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Media Essay - Advertisements for Body Enhancement Supplements

Advertisements for Body Enhancement Supplements There is evidence that shows that at least one scientist reported 100 years ago that testosterone is the cause of masculine features in males. But 100 years ago this was yet to be proven. That is approximately how long the idea of a product which aids in the enhancement of mass and strength for people was around. However, when the actual development of the product came around, the advertisements designed to aid in the sales and production of the product left a lot to be desired compared to what is available. Today, that is only to be expected due to the fact that we live in a more advanced civilization. Over time, the physical description of what was depicted to be the ideal muscular physique has changed as eras passed. The reasoning for this change in muscle physique dates back to the development of the product which technically started it all, Steroids. The actual development of anabolic steroids took place during the 1930's which was during the decline of the United States industrial society courtesy of the Great Depression. Researchers developing steroids used dogs to test out their theories. Through their test, they discovered that the usage of anabolic steroids increased muscle mass in the dogs, causing a leaner, more muscular looking physique. In the 40's, the anabolic steroids were given to POW's and those that were suffering from malnutrition. In the 50's, anabolic steroids were given a new purpose that was strictly for strength gains. Athletes in Europe and Russia were using steroids just for that purpose. Ster... ...that deemed steroids to be lethal took place in the late 1970's and early 1980s during Olympic games. In the "Golden Era", the side effects were unaware of and steroids seemed to be safe so no restraints were brought upon for its usage and distribution. Even with the knowledge of possessing side effects, there is a select few of who still purchase and use Steroids over the black market. In most cases, the method which fascinated those back then for instant muscle is still use today, but on different products. "Hard Bodies", "Ripped Pecs", "Six- Packs", are all part of the "Total Package" method use for people to buy body and muscle enhancing products. Works Cited Associate Press "Mind & Muscle POWER" General Media Communications Inc September 1999 Phillips "The Steroid World" www.http://www.steroidworld.com/ (C) 1999-2000

Monday, November 11, 2019

Where is God When it Hurts?

In this book Yancey is out to find out the root and any likely rationale to pain. He refers to pain as a gift that everybody rejects. However, he views pain as an alarm system that God has provided to us to help us keep to our senses. He discusses pain in term of physical, emotional and spiritual pain and assists us to comprehend why we suffer and how to deal with our own pain and that of others. He does this by answering five important questions as discussed below; Why is there such a thing as pain? Pain is not a later addition, God initiated it soon after Adam and Eve rebelled against Him. Yet, God did not make a mistake by introducing pain as it serves an important role in our body and spiritual health. Pain is crucial to a normal life as without pain our live would be laden with danger and devoid of many basic pleasures. Pain is a vital element of our most fulfilling experiences. Pain and pleasure are entangled as they work closely and are almost inseparable. Hence, despite being unpleasant, pain has some good and useful purposes. Pain and sufferings are there to teach us a lesson when God is displeased with our actions. God uses circumstances to warn and punish us in cases of wrongdoings (Yancey, 2003). Is pain a message from God? Pain and suffering are God’s means of waking up our senses when we have done something wrong. We should not view pain as a punishment but rather as a wake-up call for us to revive our purpose in life. Yancey tells us that when we see problems coming our way we should reexamine our action to see whether they conform to God’s requirements. God uses pain to convey the message that we are doing something the wrong way and to show us thus we need to adjust our course of action. How people respond to suffering? Most of the times, people question God when faced with pain and suffering by asking hard questions that men have always asked for thousands of years. As we encounter pain, we are confronted with feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Majority of the people feel desperate and unable or ill-prepared to deal or handle the situation. However, we should find strength in Jesus. He gives us the grace we need to counter pain and suffering. How can we cope with pain? It is not easy to go through pain even for the greatest human beings. Anyone can break under pressure as Job did. However, we have a perfect example of Jesus Christ who successfully went through pain. Yancey is quick to point out that Jesus Christ is the only head of the church or Congregation that appeared on earth and experienced suffering as we do. We are encouraged by the fact that Jesus understands what we are going through and He knows that we can prevail over pain. Also, when we reflect at how Jesus suffered on the cross, it gives us the courage and power to bear the pain we are suffering. Jesus also left us the church in order we may help each other during times of pain (Yancey, 1996). How Does Faith help? Having faith in Christ is very important when it comes to suffering and pain. For example incase we are sick, we can be healed if only we trust that God is capable of healing us. Faith can make us move a mountain which means we can conquer any kind of pain if we exercise faith in Jesus Christ. So, incase of pain we only need to gather enough faith and this will give us the power to move on. Faith is as a critical quality we must manifest if we are to face the problems ahead of us. We should allow our faith to grow deeper through prayers and bible readings to enable us to face up pain and distress (Gaines, 2007). Personal Application Caregiver need to learn to listen, care and love their patients. Most caregiver no longer show any care for their patients. Pain and agony sometimes lead to discouragement and these people need someone to talk to and who can listen to them. Listening is one form of caring to such individuals. Listening to those in pain can lead to curing of emotional pain. The course of healing is involves a humble and challenging task of generating and presenting a friendly environment where those in pain can reflect on their pain and distress without fear and create in them the confidence that makes them search for new ways to solve their problems. The listener acts as a reflecting mirror to the sufferer. This allows the person to spot his or her feelings which mean that he/she is able to understand her/his problem better and he/she is in a position to starts the process of solving the problem. The patients have many piled up emotions which need to be expressed and listened to by a caring and humble person. Those in pain cannot hear the listener unless the listener first listens to all their pain (Chapman, 2006). We have always asked ourselves, where is God when it hurts? But I think the most appropriate question is where the church is when it hurts? The church must understand its followers and know those who are under pain and to comfort those who are affected. The church should be there for them for example visiting them in hospitals, sharing with them consoling scriptures from the bible and even most importantly listening to them. We need to praise God not only for the good things He does to us but also during hard times. We only seem to praise God in times of joys and happiness but blame him in cases of problems some of which maybe of our own creation.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Kudler Fine Foods

Kudler Fine Foods Businesses in the hospitality industry are some of the most sensitive to operate. Kudler Fine Foods is one such business which engages in business in a highly volatile area. Selling of food is indeed volatile because one has to be very specific to the tastes and preferences of the clients.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Kudler Fine Foods specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Taking into consideration that most foods are perishable, a food vendor has to run an extra mile to ensure that the products are always fresh so as not to tamper with the natural taste of the food. To effectively run a food store such as Kudler Fine Foods, it is imperative that alliances are created with the internal and external stakeholders to ensure that the interest of serving the best products is upheld. Two among the many strategies which can be used are organizational communication and work motivation. Organizational communication is very sign ificant in the hospitality industry. The management should ensure that organizational communication is effective and carried out among all the members of Kudler Fine Foods. Organizational communication is especially significant because it is the best way to garner information about the employees and customers. With effective organizational communication in place, it is possible to solve most of the conflicts, both internal and external, before they blow up. Listening and solving internal worries among employees is very important as it is a show of appreciation. This show of concern for one another creates unity in an organization and thus fostering alliance within the organization. Effective organizational communication makes it possible for the frontline employees to present the minor and even major complains and concerns from the customers. The frontline employees mostly interact with the customers on a daily basis and thus such employees are best suited to make recommendations on what the customers need and prefer. The best way to create an alliance with the customers is ensure that their needs and preferences are taken care of. Organizational communication makes it possible for information to flow through the supply chain of an organization. Effective organizational communication will ensure that information is easily and quickly channeled to the relevant authorities for timely consideration. Communication will therefore move information across the board for consideration and this will ensure that all parties are heard and therefore happy hence fostering of strong alliances.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Work motivation is very significant as it rejuvenates the employees. Motivated employees work independently and always have the interest of the organization they are working for in their hearts. Work motivation can be carried out in var ious ways but whichever method is chosen, the method has to make the employees feel appreciated and valued. Work motivation is a way of the management appreciating the employees for what they are doing and naturally the employees will reciprocate by offering their best services and offering information that they are convinced will help the organization to move ahead. Kudler Fine Foods being a business in the hospitality industry will hugely benefit by ensuring that work motivation for its employees is in place. In this case, the motivated employees will serve the clients warmly and open heartedly. A warm service offered to the customers will foster friendship between the store and its customers. Work motivation will also foster friendship between the management and the employees. Work motivation will therefore foster alliance across the board.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The education system is meritocratic Essays

The education system is meritocratic Essays The education system is meritocratic Paper The education system is meritocratic Paper Essay Topic: Education The education system is viewed in many different ways by different sociologists. When talking about the education system sociologists are referring to forms of education where people experience secondary socialisation which is the relearning of the norms and values learned during primary socialisation in the family; it is also viewed as an agent of social control where children are taught to conform to societies expectations and they are taught this through the hidden curriculum which is lessons which arent part of the national curriculum which the government says are needed to be learnt but are lessons such as how to be obedient and who to be obedient to. The system of meritocracy the idea that the ones who do well are rewarded and the ones who not do well are not i. e. those who do the best get the best job. The meritocratic view of the education system means that the system is fair and supports all however, other sociologists discard this view as legitimising a system of inequality where some people dues to wealth/class do better than others. Functionalists believe that the education system is meritocratic. A meritocracy is the idea that those who work hard receive rewards this is the view the hardest working students get the best grades and go on to get the best jobs they believe that it is difference in cultural values that lead to differences in class results which have been seen throughout the years and were evident in the end of the recent academic year with children in the highest social classes doing better than those in the lowest social classes. Trough this system of meritocracy there is an equality of opportunity which is where school creates a system where all people can become equal no matter what class, gender or ethnicity everyone has the same opportunity to become a police officer or a doctor. This meritocracy is said to sift and sort perspective students into their correct positions as an adult in society. According to Parsons school is simply the bridge between the family or primary socialisation and entry to employment. He views the education system as a positive system of placing the best students at the top both in school and eventually the work place. This idea is supported by Davis and Moore (1945) who say that meritocracy is the system which social institutes (this includes school) use to sift and sort its members into different positions in this way they believe that school is meritocratic. They view meritocracy as allowing the principles of stratification to take place where individuals are place and motivated into different positions. Marxists criticise Davis and Moore for having extreme conservative views and being very class based. Functionalists view meritocracy as being evident in society and they use evidence such as the rise of working class children in universities as there has been a rise of working class children in higher education than in the fifties supporting the idea of a meritocracy. This view however like others comes up against scrutiny from Marxists who say the proof that is given isnt as conclusive as would be made out as the expansion of universities has largely benefited the bourgeoisie as there are more middle and upper class people in universities. They say that meritocracy is made yup in order to legitimise the system they view the few working class kids in universities as letting a few through to keep the rest quiet as it means people accept their positions as if I would have worked harder I could have achieved this. Marxists then due to this fact view the education as unfair and not meritocratic. They do however believe that there is a myth of meritocracy which was made up to legitimise the system of unfairness in which the bourgeoisie rule and the proletariat are exploited. The myth of meritocracy sets up a way of making the working class accept that they are working class and will always be working class this is where legitimising comes in they believe that the few working class kids that go to university make the rest of the working class think that its possible but they just didnt try hard enough to achieve the top positions and in this way as Althusser talks about a docile and obedient workforce is produced because the education system of a capitalist society passes on the belief through meritocracy that it is fair and the poor should accept their poverty as its their fault as they didnt try hard enough or they messed around. The myth of meritocracy is spoken about by Bowles and Gintis they said that school did allocate students into jobs but said this was not a positive concept but a negative one which was legitimised by the myth of meritocracy where there is an idea that meritocracy exists and this is fed through the hidden curriculum as children are told through school if you work hard you can achieve this but this doesnt exist its just said to not only to make sure there is not an uprising against the capitalist system but also reproduce the classes. Marxists criticise functionalists ideas behind meritocracy for numerous reasons. Functionalists say that the free education system is proof of fairness however, Marxists disagree and talk about the existence of grammar schools (whose students are mostly from the middle class) and private schools which are also very middle class institutions and public schools which are too expensive for anyone outside the upper class and because these schools exist and have better funding and more money they can afford the best things to help students do well. Marxists also believe that there are disadvantages for working class children before they even start school this through things such as material deprivation this is that working class kids cant afford things that others can such as tutors and in some cases computers this means that they have disadvantaged resources so they cant possibly have the same chance as others. Also Bourdieu though criticised for being culturally bias and suggesting the working class culture is a deprived one he picks up the point that teachers are middle class and so schools are middle institutions and for this reason the working class cant fit in as well as the middle class who have cultural capital do the best which is proven year after year when GCSE and A-Level results are released. They are also disadvantaged in the way that they speak; Labov and Bernstein talk about speech codes and how these disadvantage the working class. Bernstein spoke about two different kinds of speech codes these are elaborated which are very descriptive this is a middle class way of speaking and what is needed in school and restricting which is colloquial and consists of slang words which create a view of a person not being as bright. Labov went on to say that we must be careful not to assume a restricted speech code means that a person is thick however, judgements are made based on the way people speak; because of these disadvantages the system can not be meritocratic as meritocracy is based on a system of fairness and depends on people being equal from the beginning. Interactionalists agree with Labov and Bernstein as they agree that people are labelled on how they look and sound so how can their be a meritocracy if people are treated differently according to aspects of their personality? The interactionalist approach is mostly against the idea of a meritocracy because they believe that teacher labelling exists and George Herbert Mead spoke about symbolic interactionalism where our behaviour is in part created by the way we are treated by those around us; in particular significant others which are people who have power and control in our lives such as parents, teachers, friends and partners. In particular the role of teachers in education is picked up upon as Jacobson and Rosenthal (1968) found that when a group of children came up from primary school all at the same level they told teachers that some did particularly well on a test they made which predicted future genius this was a fake test and they chose randomly who would be the intellectual bloomers after a term they went back and found those that were labelled as intellectual bloomers done a lot better than others this proves that meritocracy can not exist as teachers label and can change results so not every one gets a fair chance as if your labelled as bright youll do better and if your not you wont do as well. David Gillborn whos research is largely ethnographic and still continues to this day said in his book Racism and Education: Coincidence or Conspiracy published in 2008 that the system is not designed to promote equality but to maintain the achievement gap between the white pupils and those pupils of ethnic minorities by stating this he immediately rejects the idea of a meritocracy as meritocracy is about people having equality from the beginning and being judged upon hard work however, if people are judged upon by ethnicity fairness cannot exist. Evidence for this is that Gillborn found that there was race labelling in the Local education Authorities (LEA) who expected a rise in white pupils attainment of 40 percent but only a 17 percent rise in that of black pupils and because interactionalists believe that we are largely shaped by those around us if black pupils are not expected to do as well then they will not; this is the idea of a self fulfilling prophecy in which a child in continuously told that they will not do well so they do not do well. Stephan Ball (1981) also used ethnographic study in order to conduct his research. In his study Beachside Comprehensive he found that teachers treat pupils differently based on streaming which is where a person is put in one stream for all subjects (assuming a person who is bright at one subject is bright at all subjects) and setting which is when you have different sets for each subject (accepts pupils are bright at different things) and because of this difference in the way that people are treated there can not be a meritocracy as not everyone is treated the same and as teachers are considered as a significant other in the way we establish ourselves if they view us as not bright we will consider ourselves not bright. Social democrats look at class and attainment. Hasley (1960s) criticised the education system for wasting talent this is because streaming exists as if you are good at a particular subject but are placed in a lowest because you are not good at national curriculum subjects your talent at that subject is wasted because it may lead the child to think that they are not good at that subject so give up which wastes their talent and because of this equality of opportunity is not provided so therefore a system of meritocracy cant exist. The social democratic political time brought into play the comprehensive system as a way to try and make a meritocracy but they do not believe that it exists. The social democratic view is that of Gordon Brown and the Labour Party they believe in helping people to do well and not wasting talent but many social democrats believe this is not yet happening. Feminists believe that gender differences mean that the education system cannot be meritocratic because for good or for bad there are gender differences in attainment and because of such obvious differences they see that their cant be fairness. In the beginning of education girls werent doing as good as boys were and liberal feminists focused on law change and change in social attitudes to make the system and results more equal and stop gender stereotyped lessons being taught. Although after the introduction of the national curriculum girls tended to do better and this is put down to feminisation of the workplace and because there is still a difference between the sexes so there cant be a meritocracy while there are such obvious differences. These differences are proved by the results which are achieved by students each year at GCSE and A-Level data retrieved by DfES and UCAS found that there are 10% more girls achieving five or more A* to C grades and 8% more girls achieving A-B grades at A-Level and because of this factor there are 8% more girls being accepted into university degree courses. There are many different types of feminist though the main theme is gender difference and how this can not equate a meritocracy and although black feminists speak about ethnicity playing a role and Marxist feminists talk about economic factors playing a part in gender difference feminism as a whole accepts that because these differences exist there cant be fairness and therefore there cant be a meritocracy. Sylvia Walby (1999) who is a post-modernist feminist found that equality could not occur in the education system today when she spoke about her triple systems theory in which equality will only occur when we take into consideration the triple impact of sex. Class and race on a persons life experiences and because these things can either act as advantages or disadvantages to a persons education their cant be a meritocracy which is based on all people being the same and doing well due to their own personal attempts. Heaton and Lawson also argue that even within the hidden curriculum there is a system of inequality which operates in 5 ways: books and text books were women are displayed as dependant on men and absent from science text books, female students being made to feel uncomfortable in certain subjects (e. g. woodwork which is considered a male profession), teachers who label and assign girls and boys different tasks such as asking boys to move furniture and girls to wash up, a patriarchal curriculum where boys are more recognised than girls in subjects such as PE, and lack of positive role models. This however at the time was applied to girls failing but can also be attributed to the system not being meritocratic as the encouragement of working class boys into wood work which would not necessarily be put to middle class boys sees the myth of meritocracy in place as they are not treated (boys and girls as well as working and middle class) the same. Post modern is a period of time which occurs after the 1970s the period between the industrial revolution and 1970 is known as the modern where things were new and things were changing the time which we live in now is after the modern so is known as the post modern society. Post modernist sociologists view society as diverse and they believe this is represented in the educational system with the array of qualifications such as BTEC, Diploma and Vocational as well as GCSEs and A-Levels. They talk about society in terms of a grand narrative this is that religion and science are nothing but a big story and because knowledge that we have is a story then teachers are story tellers and as narrative changes over time teachers can never really prepare you for life this proves according to them that a meritocratic education system can not exist as it is designed to sift and sort people into their roles in society and if society is always changing the education system is pointless as what job school prepares you to take may not exist. Moore and Hickox (1994) argue that because our world changes so much so quickly it is impossible to provide a national curriculum that fully prepares people for the world they will live in this is further support that sifting and sorting cant take place because jobs can exist one moment and not the next which means that the meritocratic system cant put the brightest at the top as the top is continuously changing. The New Right are a political v iew like the social democrats but they criticises the system in a different way. The New Right claim that schools and the whole educational system are too soft and easy as children are not encouraged to be independent and this is mostly due to the welfare state which is the introduction of free schooling, free healthcare, pensions and sick pay and this has made a dependant society which has a lack of responsibility and because of this new culture of dependency there has to be a lot of money spent by the government to keep society running. This is a very right wing view as they believe schools should be run like a business and increase competition between schools with the introduction of league tables and different types of school. This view is associated with the conservative party in government which initially between 1979 and 1997 was run by Margaret Thatcher but is now run by David Cameron. The view that the education system seems to be out weighed by the evidence against its existence however, it must be accepted that there are more working class people in university than in the fifties when people did what their parents did and this means that a meritocracy where people can move up and down the social ladder must exist as if it did not then their would be no working class kids in universities. However Marxists hold the view that because there is such a small number of working class people in university that they are just there in order to make meritocracy seem as though it exists and legitimise the myth. Interactionalists also hold the view that meritocracy doesnt exist and talk about labelling which matches in with the Marxist view put forward by Labov and Bernstein when they spoke about speech codes and interactionalists talk about the significance of when teachers pick this up. Feminists talk about gender differences which play a role in how well males and females do in education. Political views such as the social democratic and new right also hold the view that meritocracy doesnt exist because the system wastes talent or is wasteful of resources. Post modernists talk about how a meritocracy to make everyone equal cant exist because of the vast differences in society. When weighed up meritocracy appears to be a myth made in order to make society function well and for continuation of the classes as middle class people cant move down as they will inherit money from their parents so that means working class children need to go on and become working class adults. Although this concluding view is a very Marxist one it must be accepted that different schools of thought also have an input in the conclusion post modernism in particular as it sets out how different society is this means that there cant be a way to make everyone equal in order to have a meritocracy as things such as cultural capital advantage the middle class however, not all teachers are middle class which must be accepted but even despite this fact there is still the element of material deprivation which leaves the working class at a disadvantage because they cant afford the same things as the higher classes such as tutors. The education system therefore is not and can not be meritocratic as it meritocracy is influenced by many other factors.