Saturday, April 25, 2020

Racial and Ethnic Groups free essay sample

The United States is known as the Melting Pot of the world. This is because of the many different cultures that arrived from many different countries. All in hopes of the American Dream. In this paper we will focus on the African migration and the Asian migration to the U. S. We will examine why these two groups decided to migrate to the U. S. And in what geographical areas they settled. We will then analyze and explain what influences other ethnic or racial groups had on each other, if any, once they migrated.We will also evaluate the power-conflict theory and how it applies to African and Asian roofs. Furthermore, we will explain how the concept of multiculturalism might be applied to the two groups of focus. In conclusion, we will provide examples of these groups customs, beliefs, and values have-or-have not- become incorporated into American. Migration The African migration dates back to the 1 Dutch and French companies dominated the importation of African people at that time. We will write a custom essay sample on Racial and Ethnic Groups or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page England joined the trade as well in the 1 6005. Local African societies were raided by Europeans and who took people by force. Greed and fear played a role in African coastal rulers involvement in the trade. These rulers succumbed to the European Slave-trade becoming the go-between, serving European Slave traders. The enslavement was motivated by cheap the potential of cheap labor on farms and plantations across America (Fagin, 2011 Africans settled mostly in the Southern States of N. America where most of the conservatives held plantations. According to historians from the mid-16005 to the 1 sass, there is an estimate of 10-1 million slaves imported to the Western Hemisphere.Most were taken to the West Indies and South America, and only 5 percent were brought directly to North America (Fagin, 201 1). Asian Migration There s a variety of Asian cultures in the U. S. Today. However, the very first Asian culture to settle in the North America were Filipino around 1 750, they settled in what later would be Louisiana. Around 1840, the British and Spanish brought over collies from China, India, and Philippines to make up for the shortage of slaves from Africa. They settled them in the Islands in the Caribbean, Peru, Ecuador and other South American countries (El, C.N. 2013). The first big rush of Asian migration to the U. S. Came during the Gold Rush in mid sass. Asian (mainly Chinese) people were lured by the promise of Gold aches and return home rich. They were settling in what is now known as California. One of the most important factors as to why the Chinese would leave China was economic hardship in their country (El, C. N. 2013). Racial Teeth nice Influence Chinese were the primary Asian group migrating to the U. S. Nevertheless, there were already misconceptions about the Chinese culture before they even arrived.People did not understand their customs, and therefore; they Were stereotyped. Most of the time their lifestyle was described as exotic and sinister. There was Xenophobes, which is a fear of anything associated with China ( Fagin, 2011 , Cheap. 4). Europeans appealed to the racist theory of fearing foreign genes and germs. It is easy to say that the Asian culture had little to zero influence on other cultures during the time of migration. One can say that the motivation behind having Asian-Chinese migration was due to economic growth for the united States. When the U. S. Was in need of hard labor with cheap pay. The Western culture had significant influence on the Chinese culture. From clothes, food, speech, and Western medicine. Many of those customs had to be left behind in order to assimilate to an already stile and competitive environment. The Chinese people had to become accustomed to the Western ways of conducting business, food and so forth. To this day, there is an effort by the Asian culture to be more Westernizes. Many Asian business owners or workers have American names, which have become their legal names, but when asked what their real name is: they allow for their Asian traditional name is.The American culture has had far more influence in the Asian culture than the Asian culture on the America. More so back in the 1 sass to early 1 sass, during the big migration period. During this RA there was groups of culture segregation. Asians had Asian stores, businesses, and temples/churches As did the Italians, Irish, and Jews. African the African culture were most segregated culture of them all. Between the sass and mid 1 sass most Africans lived in plantations or were victims to slavery. Safe to stay their influence on other cultures was nonexistent.However, the most influential culture imposed on the African culture was the European culture and beliefs. While the Africans were denied traditional food, ability to learn to read, write, and live life as they did in their country. They ere taught the bible as a way to keep them subordinate to the Anglo slave masters. A couple of influences that did emerge during the slave era that still exist to this day is what we know as soul food and soul music blues and jazz. Soul food comes from the ability to cook what was left over meat like chitins, gizzards and so on. Cheap food like corn, greens were made because it was either leftover meat or cheap food they can make from the plantation. In the music you will find stories of love sorrow, and overcoming obstacles. This music influenced the creation of and a lot of great artist who have come timeless throughout the years due to the influence of Soul music. Power-conflict Asian groups chose to migrate to Western world, America. However power- conflict relates not only to involuntary immigrations. It also relates to inequalities in economic position, power, and resources. Which Chinese, in particularly, experience during the Gold Rush and railroad era. They were also exploited, doing the work that the white Americans did not want to do but paying them cheaper wages. The Chinese were overworked and underpaid. There was an institutionalized discrimination. As laws were eventually made to keep Asian from migrating to the U. S. African Without a doubt the African culture experienced power-conflict In all aspects of the term. They were involuntarily brought abroad, exploited, experienced economic inequalities (still continue to do so), by working as slaves for free and being treated like merchandise and not human beings. They were branded, as if to say they were a product and property of so and so. The government created laws that prohibited the African group from human rights, like freedom of speech, and the right to live freely. They were kept in the bottom of the rungs societal racial and ethnic ladder (Fagin 201 1, Cheap- 2). Multiculturalism While this paper focused mainly on Chinese culture. Multiculturalism is very common in the Asian groups. The Asian community is made up of highly diverse nations. Diverse referring to linguistics, religion, culture, socially, politically, and ethnically. These nations are diverse in different ways, as they also cope with diversity in their own way. You can assume where an Asian person is from, and what language they may speak. However, the truth of the matter is that there is more to an Asian group than their image. There is history, tradition, and customs, and it all varies depending on where they are from. African in South Africa there are 11 languages recognized, among them English. There has been trouble by the government in being able to identify the diversity South Africa has. It has been famously known as Rainbow Country made famous by Nelson Mandela. There is a multiculturalism in the African ethnic group, but has yet to be embraced fully because of hate, fear, and prejudice by its own people and government. America Incorporated Asian cultures has had a big influence in the Western world throughout the years. A couple Of examples are the food, holistic approach, and an ever growing amount of meditation and natural healing. Chinese and other Asian restaurants are every/here nowadays. They are no longer just restricted to Chinatown. Asian influence in food has spread out throughout the entire nation, and continues to grow.Another influence has been the holistic and natural approach to healing powers of the mind and body. Meditation, yoga are all rooted from the Asian culture. More and more people are practicing such methods as a way of healing. African the African culture have made their mark in history. As we discussed earlier they were able to incorporate a little of their world into cuisine, and music. Jazz, Blues, funk all have the roots of African beats, and rhythm. The food that the plantation workers learned to make, has been learned to love and appreciate and to this days it is made and appreciated by many different cultures.Conclusion The United States is indeed a melting pot of cultures, ethnicities, customs, and traditions. We have to admit, many racial groups suffered to come to the United States, and suffered even after coming. Asian migrated to the U. S voluntarily in hope of making it big during the Gold Rush era. However were still discriminated, and stereotyped. African people were brought he re by Orca, forced into the slave trade and mistreated in so many ways that it has been an injustice for centuries.The power-conflict theory has been applied to both these cultures in more than one way. Multiculturalism exists in both racial groups. Now, in modern days we are able to see the influence these two groups have had to the American culture.

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