Thursday, May 21, 2020

Essay on Louis Armstrong The King of JAzz - 928 Words

Louis Armstrong: The King of JAzz Known as the King of Jazz, Louis â€Å"Stachmo† Armstrong was one of the most important figures in early jazz. He was said to have defined jazz music. Only Charlie Parker comes close to having as much influence on jazz as Louis Armstrong. Armstrong was born on July 4, 1900 in New Orleans. He grew up singing on the streets of New Orleans at a young age and had a troubled childhood. At the age of twelve he was placed in the Waif’s Home For Boys for firing a gun into the air. However, at this home for boys is where Louis’s thirst for music took off. Armstrong learned to play the bugle, drums and the trumpet at the home. After Louis left the center he began going to different kinds of†¦show more content†¦In Chicago Louis switched from playing the cornet to the trumpet, which was to be the instrument that would make him the famous musician that he was. Louis brought his New Orleans jazz style north and changed the way jazz music was played. While playing in Oliver’s Creole Jazz band Louis met Lillian Hardin who was a piano player for the band. In February 1924 they got married. Lillian felt that Louis was too talented and was wasting himself by playing in King Oliver’s band. She eventually pressured him to leave the band. Reluctantly he did. In 1924 Louis left Chicago to go to Harlem and play in Fletcher Henderson’s band. Fletcher and Oliver’s bands styles of music were a lot different from each other. Henderson’s band played more Latin rhythms and waltzes while Oliver’s band played rags and stomps. While in Harlem Louis started writing and recording his own music. During this time Louis did many recording sessions with numerous blues singers like Bessie Smith, and Clarence Williams. His music began to influence musicians all over the country. In 1920 Louis invented â€Å"scat† which is a type of singing without words. He adapted his idea of â€Å"scat† from listening to other singers like Ella Fitzgerald. In the 30’s he mostly toured the United States playing and singing until 1932 when he went to England. HeShow MoreRelatedKing Of Jazz : Louis Armstrong1617 Words   |  7 Pages*20355591 Clint Rohr Jazz History 30 March. 2015 King of Jazz - Louis Armstrong At the mention jazz music, that person will first think of is likely to be a great figure with a clown image, nicknamed Satchmo. The man was Louis Armstrong. He is a husky singer, often with a trumpet in his hand. He played dramatic works of simple structure in Orleans jazz style and with the accompaniment of Dick jazz music. Each of the books on jazz music will mention his name. Louis Armstrong was to jazz music what BachRead MoreKing Of Jazz : Louis Armstrong1617 Words   |  7 Pages*20355591 Clint Rohr Jazz History 30 March. 2015 King of Jazz - Louis Armstrong At the mention jazz music, that person will first think of is likely to be a great figure with a clown image, nicknamed Satchmo. The man was Louis Armstrong. 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